it’s that time again, folks! the first soccer game of the season is today. it got me thinking about this post from the end of the season last year and i wanted to share it again. this morning, it’s below freezing out. i’m down with strep and hopped up on painkillers. and we have to leave the house at the crack of 8:00, which is usually wake-up time around here on Saturdays. as you might guess, there’s not a thing about this i’m excited about right now. Miss Girl, on the other hand, is completely beside herself. these life lessons from last year are a good reminder that it’s all going to be okay. i can survive this. stay tuned for truths from this season, and lord help me survive Tuesday afternoons and Saturday mornings for the next 11 weeks.

today was the last day of soccer. for the season. maybe forever? despite the appearance of pure joy here, Miss Girl was just not that into it. i think this photo reflects being psyched for her trophy, the imminence of celebratory cupcakes and the knowledge that she does not have to go back next Saturday. and as happy as she is to be retiring her cleats, i’m probably just as happy to be retiring my soccer mom title at least temporarily. i mean. the fact that i will no longer have to get up and out of the house earlier on Saturdays than i do for work, alone, brings a huge smile to my face. that said, though, i’m glad we rode the 2 month roller coaster. and in the process of surviving the highs and lows, a few life lessons rang true:
showing up is 90% of success. like…
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