i’ve never been much on #TBT, mainly because i’m way too lazy to dig up old pix, scan ’em and post ’em. gaah. that exhausts me just typing it. also, i truly do prefer looking forward over looking back. and also, i’m old. so my memory is fading. truth.
i did just look through some pictures and found a few fuzzy old things from college Halloweens in the sorority house that obviously involved copious amounts of cleavage, cheap beer and god knows what else. okay fine. here.

so anyway, i’m hopeful that my favorite Halloween is the one we’re about to have, which i assume will be just as awesome as last year, which i guess i’ll count as my favorite one so far. and even as i’m typing this, we just got the neighborhood email laying out the details of this year’s festivities, including a decorating contest, scavenger hunt and adult beverage contest. yeah, this next one is gonna be the best.
reasons last year was the best (so far):
1. first year i decorated. i mean, really decorated. can’t wait to do it again this year!
2. first year Miss Girl really got it. of course we’d dressed up before and even gone trick-or-treating, but last year was the first year she was totally into it, from picking her own costume to not pooping out 15 minutes into walking the neighborhood.
3. silly sellican (yes, like pellican) will be forever a part of our vocabulary. she still can’t say skeleton correctly (really, i just asked) and i kinda don’t care if she ever does.
4. the hood haul. we live in a neighborhood with something like 300 homes and 280 children. so Halloween is always pretty epic around here. everyone meets in the park and sets out together. most every home gives out candy. and this is a group that doesn’t chintz.
5. hostessing with the mostest. the routine has become that Spy gets trick-or-treat detail, while i hold down the fort and give out the candy here. last year i dressed  up a little (witch hat and some make-up), blasted the Disney classic, Chilling, Thrilling Sounds of the Haunted House (OMFG that shit is 1964. wow.) and had a blast seeing all the neighbors come by. and gave out the best candy, duh.
6. the afterparty. we seriously have some of the best neighbors in the world and after the little kids all go to bed, the big kids move from porch to street to park and back in various states of costume, sharing stories from the night. and at least one person always shows up with Jello shooters.