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Friday favorites: baby, it’s cold outside!

Writer: Kristin WoodwardKristin Woodward

yesterday morning when i woke it up, it was 10° outside. TEN. that is almost single digits! i know y’all up in the Northeast or over in the Midwest are all what? that’s nothing. bless your sweet, frozen hearts. one of the reasons i live in the South is because i’m too delicate a flower to endure such epic hardships. plus, i refuse to invest in the ugly-ass shoes all that weather requires. (sorry/not sorry?) so. even though cold weather is decidedly not my favorite, i thought i would dedicate this week’s favorites to some other cold things (new and old) that are just totally the best. enjoy and stay warm out there this weekend!

cheap laughs


received this yesterday in a random group text thread. uproarious lols ensued. i know. it doesn’t take much sometimes.

wine ice cream


does this really require any further explanation? dying. to. try. so after i get done with this SFC (it starts with Stupid and ends with Cleanse. i’ll let you fill in the middle.) i plan to order every single flavor — there are 8, which encompass pretty much every type of wine with a mixer (think Cherry Merlot, Raspberry Chardonnay, etc.) — and invite some ladies over for Wine Wednesday to give this 5% alcohol by volume dessert a whirl. and of course, i’ll write about it here. until then, check out Mercer’s site for the scoop (ba-dum-bum).

cold pressed veggies


loving Evolution Fresh Sweet Greens and Lemon juice! cold-pressed spinach, romaine, kale and parsley, with lemon, celery and some other stuff that makes it delicious. i have been drinking one of these pretty much every day lately, and it makes me feel like i’m getting all the veggies i never can manage to eat. perhaps a few more will improve my sad, sad Photoshop skillz.

nightstand future feature


aight. a bit of a stretch, i admit. but i have been so struggling with reading books lately! i took up Where’d You Go Bernadette, gaah, sometime before Thanksgiving? just past halfway through and it’s finally now getting really good. what’s the cold connection? there is a whole thing about a trip to Antarctica. ain’t nothin’ colder than that, y’all! i won’t give away anymore. but so far, it’s totally an unexpectedly fun and recommended read.

cold as ice

it was too easy. and too awesome. enjoy.



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