I’m done, y’all. I am sitting on my front porch at ten-something Monday night, slathered in Miss Girl’s various eczema meds after bath time, listening to the rain and drinking one last glass (?) of wine. the long weekend has been a whirlwind of pool time, cookouts and random bulk cooking with a smattering of “OMG I have to get some shit done before Tuesday!”
I’m exhausted. it’s been perfect and amazing, but as I say every Sunday “I still need one more day!” seriously beginning to think it’s a personal problem! am I alone?
anyhow, I know I’ve been gone from here for a bit. figuring some things out and trying to relax. (for instance, I am not doing a post on the chocolate ice cream I made today. it is a boring process and the pictures suck as a result. who needs to see that?)
so…hope y’all all had a really wonderful Memorial Day weekend! looking forward to getting caught up on reading and to diving back into posting a bit.
have a great week, y’all!