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summer sunset: week 7.5

Writer: Kristin WoodwardKristin Woodward

my, how time flies! we have been having fun, i suppose, but i mean where on earth has the summer gone? school starts a mere 3 weeks from yesterday! THREE WEEKS, y’all! between that realization, having just finished up our big summer vacation and working on a holiday campaign for a retail client, my mind’s already drifting to fall weather, sweaters and football. totally crazy, i know, right?

anyhow, i know i haven’t done one of these posts in like a month, so there is tons to catch up on and probably a ton i’m forgetting about (the mind is old and feeble, so bear with me). but here are a few things that have stuck with me this past few weeks.

1. a week at the beach is better than a week at the office, no matter what. in my last post, i wrote a little about how this year’s annual beach trip maybe wasn’t quite as fun for everyone as usual. on top of that, i know i returned to Atlanta feeling a little like i needed another vacation. but you know what? for 7 entire days, i barely got dressed beyond a swimsuit or put on make-up, didn’t worry what time it was or even know what day it was. beer at 10:00 a.m.? bring it. spending an afternoon on the porch with a book? hell yeah! things might have felt a little different this year, but they damn sure felt better than spending that week at work.

2. you can survive a week vacation with 2 pairs of contacts. yeah, so that moment when we’d been in the car for 4 hours and i suddenly realized i forgot to pack contacts. that was pretty awesome. luckily, i managed to dig up 2 and a half pairs in my toiletries bag that had been there god knows how long and 1 in my make-up bag. bonus: i actually did remember solution and there was a case stashed in there somewhere, too. i managed to stretch the first 2 through all week and didn’t even end up blind or with pink eye!

3. you can never eat too many fish tacos. seriously, y’all. i had a bona fide thing last week. North Beach Bar & Grill and Tybee Island Social Club hooked me right up. i was in heaven.

4. hot dogs make fantastic pill pockets. right. so the day before we came home, we got a call from the kennel. Lily had fallen victim to Atlanta’s Great Bordetella Plague of 2015 (that and canine influenza are apparently out of control). both she and Clara were put on antibiotics and a cough suppressant. that first night home, after several failed attempts to shove the meds down their throats (how many slobbery, spit up pills can one girl take? sheesh.) i had the brilliant idea to cut off hot dog chunks and shove the pills in the middle. worked like a charm! the girls love them and i didn’t have to make a special trip to the pet store. win, win!

5. after 7.5 weeks of summer, i’m not the only one thinking about fall. at some point in the past few days, Miss Girl very earnestly asked me when she was going back to school. contrary to what i would have expected the meaning behind the query to be, her tone told me she was hoping my answer would be “soon.” i asked if she missed school, she gave a resounding “yes!” honestly, i don’t blame her. in addition to football and sweater weather, i’m looking forward to a more productive daily routine — even if it does mean getting her out the door for the bus at 7:15.

hope everyone’s had some great fun and great stories so far this summer!


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