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Sunday supper: random Asian stir-fry

Writer: Kristin WoodwardKristin Woodward

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god, things are getting completely exotic around here, right? i call this “random Asian” because it mixes some Indian, Thai and Chinese influences, incorporating curry, Siracha and, um, stir-fry. and chopsticks. definitely chopsticks. also, i just needed a title that sounded more appropriate than “random shit i put in the wok tonight”. also, i actually kind of almost forgot it’s Sunday because, three day weekend! i haven’t grocery shopped yet (seriously thinking Instacart tomorrow) and needed to squeeze one more meal out of what was in the fridge.

this one is actually a vestige of the first week of the cleanse that i’m totally not doing since oh, like the 4th day in (out of 21. whatevs.). that required avoiding soy, so soy sauce in a stir-fry was totally out because rules and all. but everything else was in (except of course, the rice) so instead, i used curry as the main flavoring. and Publix had pre-cut peppers, onions and asparagus, which i’d never seen before there and totally jumped on because i’m absolutely nothing if not lazy when it comes to shit like chopping a thousand vegetables. Spy loved it, so i figured it was an easy  and worthy repeat performance. have i mentioned that when i find something i like, i can pretty much eat the same thing every night all week? anyway.

i know i have mentioned that if you need a recipe for mashed potatoes, you probably shouldn’t be cooking, anyway. i feel pretty much the same about stir-fry. sorry/not-sorry. so, here we go with another non-recipe recipe. it’s pretty spicy, but you can control the heat by limiting (or dialing up) the Siracha. measure to your liking, wing it and i promise it will be delish. it’s just supper, y’all!

1-2 tablespoons coconut oil ¼ sweet onion 1 pound chicken breasts 1-2 tablespoons minced garlic 1 small head of broccoli (about a cup chopped) ½ yellow pepper ½ red pepper 1(ish) tablespoon curry powder (totally generic McCormick, but use what you have and like) 1-2 tablespoons Siracha (regular old) Salt & Pepper

i sliced everything kind of long and thin. you might like chunkier chunks. melt the coconut oil and then put in the onions, chicken and garlic. season with a good sprinkling of curry, salt and pepper. when the chicken is almost cooked through, add the vegetables in the order listed above. add more salt, pepper, curry and the Siracha. cook until the vegetables are tender and the chicken is a little browned. serve over Jasmine rice (or whatever rice you like). eat with chopsticks to feel fancy.

for those of y’all who are back to the grind tomorrow, have an awesome week!


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